# BioMirror/Mirrors.pm # Bio-Mirror perl packages # d.gilbert ## dbs to add ## pdb ! ## blast dbs - for mirroring only? or add blast server autoupdate opt as per srs? ## rice est data -? but as .tar.Z of directories - but hard to update/sync that way? ## pfam? ## other from ncbi, embl, ## iubiodocs ? bionet news ? flybase parts ? ## ? add methods to test speed to each mirror (from each mirror?) ## and produce doc / drawing of mirror network w/ times between each (and from this site) ## doc should also show available databanks each mirror, size of each, last update =head1 NAME BioMirror::Mirrors -- package file to include BioMirror::Mirror subclasses. =head1 DESCRIPTION Package does nothing but whose file includes all BioMirror::Mirror subclasses. These data classes are loaded by BioMirror::Mirror:: methods (see C ) This can be customized locally and included separately at runtime. For example, C =cut package BioMirror::Mirrors; sub main { ## do anything? } #------------- package BioMirror::IUBio_USA; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'IUBio_USA', name => 'Bio-Mirror USA at IUBio', country => 'USA', web => 'http://www.bio-mirror.net/', ##ftp => 'ftp://iubio:iubio@bio-mirror.net', ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.net/biomirror/', rsync => 'rsync://bio-mirror.net/biomirror/', srsserver => 'http://www.bio-mirror.net/', ## optional if different from web host => { web => 'http://iubio.bio.indiana.edu/', name => 'IUBio Archive at Indiana University, Indiana, USA', }, contact => { name => 'Don Gilbert', email => 'gilbertd@bio.indiana.edu', }, ##? keep other info in package? like which databanks it has? @_ ); return $self; } #------------- package BioMirror::AFFRC_JP; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'AFFRC_JP', name => 'Bio-Mirror Japan at AFFRC', country => 'Japan', web => 'http://bio-mirror.jp.apan.net/', ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.jp.apan.net/pub/biomirror/', host => { web => 'http://www.affrc.go.jp/', name => 'Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council (AFFRC), Japan', }, contact => { name => 'Akira Mizushima', email => 'goddila@maffin.ad.jp', }, @_ ); return $self; } #------------- package BioMirror::ACSys_AU; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'ACSys_AU', name => 'Bio-Mirror Australia at ACSys', country => 'Australia', # web => '', ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.au.apan.net/biomirror/', rsync => 'rsync://bio-mirror.au.apan.net/biomirror/', host => { web => 'http://acsys.anu.edu.au/', name => 'Advanced Computational Systems (ACSys) CRC, Australia', }, contact => { name => 'Markus Buchhorn', email => 'markus@acsys.anu.edu.au', }, @_ ); return $self; } #------------- package BioMirror::NUS_SG; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'NUS_SG', name => 'Bio-Mirror Singapore at NUS', country => 'Singapore', web => 'http://bio-mirror.sg.apan.net', ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.sg.apan.net/biomirrors/', host => { web => 'http://www.bic.nus.edu.sg/', name => 'BioInformatics Centre (BIC), National University of Singapore, Singapore', }, contact => { name => 'Mark De Silva', email => 'mark@bic.nus.edu.sg', }, @_ ); return $self; } #------------- package BioMirror::IMCAS_CN; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'IMCAS_CN', name => 'Bio-Mirror China at IMCAS', country => 'China', ## is this still ok? web => 'http://bio-mirror.cn.apan.net/', ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.cn.apan.net/pub/biomirror/', ## web => 'http://bio-mirror.im.ac.cn/', ## ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.im.ac.cn/pub/biomirror/', host => { web => 'http://www.im.ac.cn/', name => 'The Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS), China', }, contact => { name => 'Juncai MA', email => 'ma@sun.im.ac.cn', }, @_ ); return $self; } #------------- package BioMirror::NYMU_TW; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'NYMU_TW', name => 'Bio-Mirror Taiwan at NYMU', country => 'Taiwan', web => 'http://bio-mirror.ym.edu.tw/', ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.ym.edu.tw/biomirror/', host => { web => 'http://www.ym.edu.tw/', name => 'Genome Research Center, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan ', }, contact => { name => 'Der-Ming Liou', email => 'dmliou@ym.edu.tw', }, @_ ); return $self; } #-------------- package BioMirror::KAIST_KR; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'KAIST_KR', name => 'Bio-Mirror South Korea at KAIST', country => 'South Korea', web => 'http://bio-mirror.kr.apan.net/', ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.kr.apan.net/pub/biomirror/', host => { web => 'http://cosmos.kaist.ac.kr/', name => 'Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Taejon, South Korea', }, contact => { name => 'Hyunchul Kim', email => 'hckimn@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr', }, @_ ); return $self; } #------------- package BioMirror::KURDI_TH; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'KURDI_TH', name => 'Bio-Mirror Thailand at KURDI', country => 'Thailand', web => 'http://bio-mirror.ku.ac.th/', # ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.ku.ac.th/biomirror/', ## using http now for bulk data transport, no anon ftp host => { web => 'http://www.rdi.ku.ac.th/', name => 'KU Research and Development Institute, Kasetsart University, Thailand', }, contact => { name => 'Somnuk Keretho', email => 'sk@ku.ac.th', }, @_ ); return $self; } #------------- package BioMirror::UPM_MY; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'UPM_MY', name => 'Bio-Mirror Malaysia at UPM', country => 'Malaysia', web => 'http://ingene2.upm.edu.my/', ftp => 'ftp://ingene2.upm.edu.my/biomirror/', host => { web => 'http://www.upm.edu.my/', name => 'Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia', }, contact => { name => 'Suhaimi Napis', email => 'suhaimi@fsb.upm.edu.my', }, @_ ); return $self; } #------------- package BioMirror::ASTI_PH; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Mirror ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( id => 'ASTI_PH', name => 'Bio-Mirror Philippines at ASTI', country => 'Philippines', web => 'http://bio-mirror.asti.dost.gov.ph/', ftp => 'ftp://bio-mirror.asti.dost.gov.ph/biomirror/', host => { web => 'http://www.dost.gov.ph/', name => 'Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI), Department of Science and Technology, Philippines', }, contact => { name => 'Denis F. Villorente', email => 'denis@asti.dost.gov.ph', }, @_ ); return $self; }