# BioMirror/MeowGenes.pm =head1 NAME BioMirror/MeowGenes.pm =head1 DESCRIPTION A collection of BioMirror::Data packages for building MeowGenes databank. Includes BioMirror::TAIR -- for TAIR Arabidopsis databank BioMirror::CElegans -- AceDB for C. elegans databank BioMirror::MGD -- for MGD Mouse databank BioMirror::LocusLink -- for NCBI LocusLink Human databank See also BioMirror::FlybaseGenes mar02 - changed 'meowgenes' to 'eugenes' path =cut package BioMirror::euGenes; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Data ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'MEOW', name => 'euGenes', dosummary => 1, # add to summary table source => { home => 'IUBio', comment => 'Eukaryote Genes Summary Databank', url => 'ftp://iubio.bio.indiana.edu/biomirror/eugenes/', web => 'http://iubio.bio.indiana.edu/eugenes/', }, mirror_dir => '$zpath/eugenes/', @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::TAIR; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Data ); ## for now don't srsindex sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'TAIR', name => 'TAIR Arabidopsis Genome', makeflags => $BioMirror::Data::kFromArchive, ## |$BioMirror::Data::kDoSrsIndex -- not here dosummary => 0, source => { comment => 'Arabidopsis locus data from TAIR', url => 'ftp://tairpub:tairpub@ftp.arabidopsis.org/home/tair/Locus/', web => 'http://www.arabidopsis.org/', get_patt => '(locus.tab$|locus_on_meinke.tab$|README)', recursive => 'false', }, mirror_dir => '$zpath/eugenes/arabidopsis/', expanded_dir => '', # '$dpath/arabidopsis/', data => [], # [ '(\.tab)', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::CElegans; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Data ); ## for now don't srsindex sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'CELEGANS', name => 'C elegans AceDB', makeflags => $BioMirror::Data::kFromArchive, ## |$BioMirror::Data::kDoSrsIndex -- not here dosummary => 0, source => { comment => 'C. elegans WormBase data from Sanger', web => 'http://wormbase.sanger.ac.uk/', ##web => 'http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/C_elegans/', url => 'ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/wormbase/current_release/', get_patt => '(^database.WS.*.tar.Z|wspec|CHROMOSOME|README|INSTALL)', exclude_patt => '(pictures|additional_files|core)', recursive => 'true', }, source0 => { comment => 'C. elegans AceDB data from NCBI', url => 'ftp://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/repository/acedb/celegans/', get_patt => '(^database.WS.*.tar.Z|README|INSTALL)', #? add pictures/ ? recursive => 'false', }, mirror_dir => '$zpath/eugenes/celegans/', expanded_dir => '', ## '$dpath/eugenes/celegans/', data => [], ## [ '(database)', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::MGD; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Data ); ## for now don't srsindex sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'MGD', name => 'MGD Mouse Genome', makeflags => $BioMirror::Data::kFromArchive, ## |$BioMirror::Data::kDoSrsIndex -- not here dosummary => 0, source => { comment => 'Mouse Genome data from MGD', url => 'ftp://ftp.informatics.jax.org/pub/informatics/reports/', web => 'http://www.informatics.jax.org/', ## get only useful ones, most others are redundant w/ these get_patt => '(GDB_Accession|MRK_Dump2|MRK_MLC|MRK_Sequence|MRK_SwissProt|index.html|tab-delimited.html)', recursive => 'false', }, mirror_dir => '$zpath/eugenes/mouse/', expanded_dir => '', # '$dpath/eugenes/mouse/', data => [], # [ '(\.rpt)', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::ZFIN; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Data ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'ZFIN', name => 'ZFIN Zebrafish Genome', makeflags => $BioMirror::Data::kFromArchive, ## |$BioMirror::Data::kDoSrsIndex -- not here dosummary => 0, source => { comment => 'Zebrafish Genome data from ZFIN', url => 'ftp://zfish.uoregon.edu/transfer/MEOW/', web => 'http://zfish.uoregon.edu/ZFIN/', # get_patt => '(*)',# get all # recursive => 'false', }, mirror_dir => '$zpath/eugenes/fish/', expanded_dir => '', # '$dpath/eugenes/fish/', data => [], # [ '(\.txt)', ], doc => [], # [ 'README', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::LocusLink; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Data ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'LOCUSLINK', name => 'LocusLink Human Genome', makeflags => $BioMirror::Data::kFromArchive|$BioMirror::Data::kDoSrsIndex, dosummary => 0, mirror_dir => '$zpath/eugenes/human/', expanded_dir => '$dpath/locuslink/', source => { comment => 'LocusLink data from NCBI', url => 'ftp://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/refseq/LocusLink/', web => 'http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/LocusLink/', get_patt => '(LL_tmpl.gz$|README)', exclude_patt => '(^Old)', recursive => 'false', }, data => [ 'LL_tmpl' ], doc => [ 'README' ], @_ ); return $self; } sub FIXME_getRelease { # Release 25.00, June 30, 1998 my $self= shift; my $rel= undef; my $df= BioMirror::replaceVars( $self->expanded_dir . ${$self->data}[0]); my $buf= $self->readChunk($df); if ($buf =~ m/Release ([0-9\.]+), ([0-9A-z\, ]+)/) { $rel= "$1, $2"; } return $rel; } package BioMirror::SGD; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Data ); ## for now don't srsindex sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'SGD', name => 'SGD Yeast Genome', makeflags => $BioMirror::Data::kFromArchive, ## |$BioMirror::Data::kDoSrsIndex -- not here dosummary => 0, source => { comment => 'Saccharomyces genome data from SGD', url => 'ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/', web => 'http://genome-www.stanford.edu/Saccharomyces/', get_patt => '(gene_registry/registry.genenames.tab|gene_registry/READ_ME' .'|ORF_Descriptions/orf_descriptions.tab|ORF_Descriptions/README' .'|ORF_Locations/ORF_chr.*\.txt|ORF_Locations/README)', recursive => 'true', ## ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/gene_registry/registry.genenames.tab ## ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/tables/ORF_Descriptions/orf_descriptions.tab ## ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/tables/ORF_Locations/ORF_chr.*\.txt }, mirror_dir => '$zpath/eugenes/yeast/', expanded_dir => '', # '$dpath/eugenes/yeast/', data => [], @_ ); return $self; } 1;