# BioMirror/Flybase.pm =head1 NAME BioMirror::Flybase -- BioMirror::Data packages for Flybase databank =cut #?? also mirror icarus files ? ## ftp://fbarchive:FlyBase@flybase.bio.indiana.edu/data-archive/acode/srs/ package BioMirror::FlybaseGenes; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::Data ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'FBGN', name => 'Fruitfly Genes', makeflags => $BioMirror::Data::kDoSrsIndex, ## $BioMirror::Data::kFromArchive| source => { comment => 'Drosophila Genes from FlyBase', #? flybase.net url => 'ftp://fbarchive:FlyBase@flybase.net/data-archive/acode/data/', web => 'http://flybase.bio.indiana.edu/genes/', get_patt => '(^FBgn\.acode$)', ## genes only needed for meowgenes ## get_patt => '(^FB\w+\.acode$)', ## all data sections local_ignore => '+\.i$|\.is$|local$', recursive => 'false', }, #mirror_dir => '$zpath/meowgenes/fly/', #?? case where mir==expanded ?? mirror_dir => '$zpath/eugenes/fly/', #?? case where mir==expanded ?? expanded_dir => '$dpath/flybase/', data => [ 'FBgn.acode', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::FlybaseTransposons; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::FlybaseGenes ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'FBTP', name => 'Fruitfly Transposons', makeflags => 0, ## do after FBGN debugged .... ## no need to ftp source separate from Prosite... sourceflags => $BioMirror::Data::kSuperSource, data => [ 'FBtp.acode', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::FlybaseInsertions; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::FlybaseGenes ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'FBTI', name => 'Fruitfly Insertions', makeflags => 0, ## do after FBGN debugged .... ## no need to ftp source separate from Prosite... sourceflags => $BioMirror::Data::kSuperSource, data => [ 'FBti.acode', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::FlybaseTranscripts; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::FlybaseGenes ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'FBTR', name => 'Fruitfly Transcripts', makeflags => 0, ## do after FBGN debugged .... ## no need to ftp source separate from Prosite... sourceflags => $BioMirror::Data::kSuperSource, data => [ 'FBtr.acode', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::FlybaseProteins; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::FlybaseGenes ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'FBPP', name => 'Fruitfly Proteins', ## no need to ftp source separate from Prosite... sourceflags => $BioMirror::Data::kSuperSource, data => [ 'FBpp.acode', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::FlybaseAlleles; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::FlybaseGenes ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'FBAL', name => 'Fruitfly Alleles', makeflags => 0, ## do after FBGN debugged .... ## no need to ftp source separate from Prosite... sourceflags => $BioMirror::Data::kSuperSource, data => [ 'FBgn.acode', ], # same as FBGN data @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::FlybaseRefs; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::FlybaseGenes ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'FBRF', name => 'Fruitfly References', makeflags => 0, ## do after FBGN debugged .... ## no need to ftp source separate from Prosite... sourceflags => $BioMirror::Data::kSuperSource, data => [ 'FBrf.acode', ], @_ ); return $self; } package BioMirror::FlybaseAbs; @ISA = qw( BioMirror::FlybaseGenes ); sub new { my $class= shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( srsdb => 'FBAB', name => 'Fruitfly Aberrations', makeflags => 0, ## do after FBGN debugged .... ## no need to ftp source separate from Prosite... sourceflags => $BioMirror::Data::kSuperSource, data => [ 'FBab.acode', ], @_ ); return $self; } 1;