User's Meeting - February 1st, 2002 - Tucson, AZ

General Information and Registration

  An open meeting for people interested in the Gene Ontology project will be held in Tucson, Arizona on February 1st, 2002, in conjunction with the O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference and with support from O'Reilly and Associates.

This is an opportunity to hear about the incorporation of the GO into various annotation pipelines, to report on your use of the GO, to review the GO project goals and procedures, and to meet with other developers and users of the GO.

We are interested in your suggestions for presentations or desired workshops. You may enter these on the Registration Form or send them to At the meeting, we will provide demonstrations of GO annotation tools, discussion of current implementation of the GO and future development plans.
  Date: February 1st, 2002
  Location:The Westin La Paloma Resort in Tucson, AZ
  Time: 9am - 5pm
  Registration Fee: none
  Registration Deadline: none
  Currently, there is no deadline for registration. If you wish to be included in the list of participants, please register by the Abstract Submission Deadline on January 9th, 2002.
  Abstract Submission Deadline: closed [was January 9th, 2002]
You may still register to attend the Users Meeting, but we are no longer considering any more abstracts.
  Please register in advance so that we will know how many will be coming. If you wish to be included in the list of participants, please register by the Abstract Submission Deadline on January 9th, 2002. We will limit the number of participants if necessary as dictated by the response.
  At the Tucson GO Users Meeting, the schedule will be organized into several groups of related talks. Each group of talks will be followed a Panel Discussion with all speakers in the group. We hope this format will encourage discussion and allow interested users to bring up their specific questions. The schedule and abstracts are available as pdf files.
  Further Questions:
Mike Cherry 650-723-7541
Karen Christie 650-725-8956

  Accomodation and Travel
  Information about the conference location at the Westin La Paloma, alternative lodging and travel to Tucson, AZ is available from the O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference Hotel and Travel Information page.

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