Answers to questions that are very commonly asked about the Gene Ontology.
A description of the aims of the Gene Ontology Consortium and an explanation of how the ontologies work. As this is a long document with many sections, a full hyperlinked contents list is given below.
Editorial Style Guide
Rules governing content and stylistic aspects of GO terms, such as phrasing, spelling, case, etc. As this is a long document with many sections, a full hyperlinked contents list is given below.
File Format Guide
Syntax of the individual files. As this is a long document with many sections, a full hyperlinked contents list is given below.
Synonym Guide
Rules for adding synonyms to the ontologies, and also some instructions for adding any new synonyms to the synonyms file.
Annotation Guide
Rules for annotating gene products to GO terms.
Evidence Codes
Explanation of the codes that are used to indicate the nature of the evidence that supports a particular annotation.
GO Dictionary
This file, called GODict.DAT, contains the list of words used in GO terms and term definitions.
CVS Help
Help page for those who wish to access the GO CVS repository.
A list of the abbreviations used by GO in database cross-references.